Thursday, December 18, 2014


12.18.2014 - Today was great because it finally snowed!!

I have been wishing for snow at the RV in Show Low for a couple of months. The weatherman forecasted snow for Wednesday and Thursday so I drove up on Monday.

Tuesday night I was so excited that I didn't sleep but kept a hopeful lookout for any sign of flurries. The weather app on my phone teased all day, changing its predictions hourly. No snow.

After a fitful rest Wednesday night, I  awoke to a slight dusting of snow like powdered sugar on a dark chocolate cake. This wasn't what I had in mind!! But now it's starting to pick up a bit and even though there won't be enough to build a snowman, at least I can stay inside with a mug of hot chocolate and enjoy the peaceful sight of falling snow.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Kyle, 10 months, looked very dapper in his Santa hat on Christmas Day 2013! I adore this photo of this adorable little grandson of mine on his very first Christmas.

White Christmas

I took a little "What's Your Christmas Anthem" quiz on Facebook and here is the result:

"A nostalgic and serene dreamer, your Christmas Anthem is "White Christmas" by the incomparable Bing Crosby! For you, this time of year brings a calmness and peaceful serenity, a winter wonderland of beautiful white scenery. The chill in the air and the glow of Christmas lights sets you at ease, and brings about a true feeling of happiness in an otherwise tumultuous world."


Today was foggy!!
I dislike change except when it comes to the weather. And living in the desert is not really conducive to change. The weather is hot and hotter with a little rain few and far between. So it was delightful to wake up today to FOG!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014


In the winter of 1955, we moved to Coffman, Texas for three months where Dad worked his truck on a road-building job. He worked with two of his friends and we shared a two-story house with their families. Bill & Katie Manasco and Lavern & Barb Nichols shared the 1st floor and we had the 2nd floor to ourselves. One day it snowed and Katie and Mom decided to pose in their bathing suits with Mr. Snowman. Mom was 26 when this photo was taken. It has always been a favorite of mine because it shows Mom's fun, happy, and playful personality!

I scrapped this page with "25 Days" by Scrapyrus Designs.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Wide-eyed Wonder - 2011

At 6 months, Enzo was wide-eyed at the sights and sounds of Christmas.

ISO Apps used:
#projectlife - Becky Higgins
#rhonnadesigns - Rhonna Farrer

Merry Christmas 2013

Just a few favorites from Christmas Morning 2013:

1. Star of Bethlehem - blooms fully by Christmas Day
2. The wonder of Izzie - 18 months
3. Reed was happy to get Skylanders
4. Quinci loved her princess dress
5. Reed, Quinci, Izzie - Christmas morn

ISO Apps used:
#projectlife - Becky Higgins
#rhonnadesigns - Rhonna Farrer
#rdmagic - Rhonna Farrer

A Blast From The Past - 1956

My brother, Greg, and I having a blast in our backyard snowdrifts on Lipscomb Street in Amarillo, Texas about 1956.

Created with digital scrapbooking kit, "25 Days" by Scrapyrus Designs